Japanese Beetle Alert
Extension Entomologist Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) has begun emerging this summertime in addition to our earliest reports are coming from Ottawa County.
Although this exotic, invasive pest has been steadily expanding its make westward, it is primarily a work inward the eastern one-half of Oklahoma. Japanese beetle is becoming i of our most pregnant insect pests because it congregates inward large numbers to feed on the foliage, fruits, in addition to Distribution: Japanese beetle is native to Asia in addition to the kickoff U.S. study is from Riverton, New Bailiwick of Jersey inward 1916. The beetle was probable introduced every bit white grubs hitchhiking inside the rootage zone of irises shipped from Japan.
The beetle is mutual inward all states E of the Mississippi River, except Florida, in addition to is steadily encroaching westward. The distribution of Japanese beetle inward Oklahoma is currently express to simply about x counties, but the beetle is widespread throughout several northeastern counties including Adair, Cherokee, Delaware, Tulsa, in addition to Wagoner Counties.
Isolated populations receive got been found inward Creek, Kay, Oklahoma, in addition to Payne Counties, in addition to the pest probable occurs inward modest pockets elsewhere inward the state. Life Cycle: Japanese beetles receive got one‐year life cycles. Overwintering larvae migrate upward inward March in addition to Apr in addition to resume feeding on flora roots until May, when they movement deeper inward the soil, course of study an earthen cell, in addition to pupate.
Adults emerge belatedly June through July in addition to are active during the day, commonly found feeding in addition to mating inward large numbers on susceptible plants. Females repeatedly teach inward the soil in addition to tin lay 40‐60 eggs during their lifetime. Eggs hatch 1 to ii weeks after in addition to kickoff instars laid about feeding on flora roots.
The kickoff instars molt inward 17 to 25 days, spell instant instars accept eighteen to 45 days to prepare in addition to molt again. Most grubs attain tertiary instar past times belatedly September, in addition to past times Oct they dig deeper into the soil to overwinter. Hosts: Adults feed on to a greater extent than than 300 unlike flora species in addition to are considered major pests of ornamental, fruit, in addition to vegetable plants. Japanese beetles too assault several row crops, including soybean in addition to corn. Adults tend to prefer feeding on roses (Rosa spp.), flowering crabapple (Malus spp.), birch (Betula spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), in addition to zinnia (Zinnia spp.).
Japanese beetle is too an of import economical pest of grapes in addition to other economically of import crops.
Damage: Adults feed during the day, preferring hot weather condition in addition to plants located inward total sun. In fruit in addition to vegetable crops, defoliation oftentimes results inward reduced yield. Healthy host plants tin hold out fifty-fifty consummate defoliation past times the beetle, but immature or weak host plants may non live able to withstand heavy attacks. Adults too feed remove on fruits in addition to flowers of ornamental, fruit, in addition to vegetable plants.

Feeding harm to these tissues is characterized past times large holes, in addition to fruits in addition to flowers are oftentimes consumed solely nether intense pest pressure. When feeding on foliage of soybean in addition to other plants, they prefer consuming the softer leafage tissue in addition to avoid whatever leafage veins. This creates a leafage “skeleton” that is referred to every bit skeletonization. The visible harm they drive tin live real disturbing to someone unfamiliar amongst their feeding. In soybeans, they typically feed on the upper leaves of the canopy in addition to are to a greater extent than numerous along the plain margin. This tin resultant inward overestimating the amount of actual defoliation that is nowadays inward the crop.
When scouting for defoliation, collect leaves from the upper, middle, in addition to lower portions of the canopy in addition to scout the interior of the plain to teach an accurate approximate of actual pct defoliation. To approximate defoliation inward soybean, randomly collect half-dozen leaflets (2 from the lower, ii from the middle, in addition to ii from the transcend of the canopy) from v locations in addition to approximate pct defoliation past times averaging the defoliation marker from thirty leaflets using the visual nautical chart below. (see http://entoplp.okstate.edu/pddl/2018/PA17-17.pdf)

Cultural command for landscape plants: Handpicking adult beetles tin live effective when they kickoff colonize landscape plants. Beetles are less active inward the morn in addition to eve when it is cooler in addition to tin live killed past times dropping them inward a solution of soapy water.
Japanese beetle traps, which comprise an aggregation pheromone in addition to a floral lure to attract both males in addition to females, receive got been commercially available for several years. However, these traps commonly attract to a greater extent than beetles than they capture, leaving landscape plants vulnerable. In addition, adult Japanese beetles tin wing i mile or more, thence beetles that are caught inward traps are readily replaced inward the landscape past times colonizing individuals. Thus, the role of Japanese beetle traps is by in addition to large non recommended. The only province of affairs where traps may live useful is if traps are used across a large expanse similar an entire neighborhood. If traps are used, they should live checked in addition to emptied regularly, making certain to kill whatever alive beetles past times dunking them inward soapy water. Biological control: Biological command of Japanese beetle is an active expanse of research, in addition to several species of natural enemies receive got been released against this pest inward other states. However, institution has been express for parasitic flies in addition to wasps released for Japanese beetle control. Efforts are right away existence directed toward biological command of these beetles amongst disease‐causing microbes, in addition to several insecticide formulations comprise these microbial agents. Chemical command for homeowners:
There are many insecticides labeled for Japanese beetle control, in addition to several are available to homeowners. Look for insecticide products containing acephate (Orthene), carbaryl (Sevin), bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, lambda‐cyhalothrin, or permethrin. When adult activeness is heavy, insecticide sprays may live needed every v to 10 days. Applications of imidacloprid (e.g., Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Concentrate) should live made at to the lowest degree twenty days prior to Japanese beetle adult activity. However, banking venture jibe the label carefully for pollinator protection requirements for role of products containing imidacloprid in addition to other neonicotinoids. In general, soil applications of insecticides to target larvae volition non trim down adult Japanese beetle populations because adults are rigid fliers in addition to colonize landscapes from surrounding areas. For insecticide recommendations for nurseries, homeowners, in addition to fruit crops, refer to E-832: OSU Extension Agents’ Handbook of Insect, Plant Disease, in addition to Weed Control.