Our Garden June 1

one of the perennial beds
Here's a pictorial of our garden this calendar week - simply a few shots then you lot tin encounter what we're growing inwards USDA Zone seven Northeast Oklahoma - experience complimentary to click on images to encounter a larger view.

Pinks, Dianthus or mineature carnations

Pink Oxalis crassipes

Moon Carrot, Sesli gummiferum

American Elderberry,
Sambucus canadensis
 Our preference for tall, dramatic plants is balanced past times the ask to convey flowers on the solid soil nether them.

Plus, you lot volition encounter inwards our gardens, a potent preference for flowers that feed pollinators together with birds.
Clematis jackmanii

Mexican Hat, Ratbida columnifera
Upright Prairie Coneflower

Yarrow, Achillea paprika
 For example, the Elderberry shrubs, Mexican Hat, Luna Carrot, Verbena together with Yarrow inwards these pics.

The exclusively places nosotros role insecticidal lather together with fungicide is on the nutrient crops. In item the broccolini, the grape vines together with the fruit trees ask to last protected from fungal infections when our current of air comes from the TX gulf direction.

The brassica plants - broccoli, kale, etc. become tiny beetle holes inwards them when they are real tiny together with the bugs are also pocket-size to mitt pick.

Argentinian vervain, Verbena bonariensis

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