Our Garden Inwards Belatedly August - Zone 7

Swallowtail nectaring on Phlox Victoria
The terminate of summertime is coming whether or non nosotros are fix for the tasks ahead. You know, the pruning, earthworks as well as dividing. Then there's the transplanting this year's plants to their better, new, place because trees grew as well as forthwith it's also shady where they were or it's also dry out where they are .....

Fewer flowers are blooming yesteryear belatedly August exactly in that place are plenty to choke along the butterflies as well as skippers happy. The upside is that weeding takes less as well as less fourth dimension equally autumn approaches.

Swallowtail caterpillar on parsley
This twelvemonth we've had to a greater extent than dragonflies than ever, in all probability because in that place was approximately pelting this summertime dissimilar previous years.

Lots of projects introduce themselves at this fourth dimension of twelvemonth as well as although nosotros pass five hours a 24-hour interval out there, nosotros can't look to teach it all done.

The parsley did improve this twelvemonth than park as well as since nosotros establish it for the Swallowtail butterflies to enhance their babies on, whenever in that place is ane it's campaign for celebration.

Pumpkins endure inwards 100F temps
The pumpkins as well as squelch look shocked yesteryear the estrus this week. We've harvested as well as eaten several zucchini. The dozen or then acorn squelch nosotros harvested nosotros shared alongside friends as well as also baked a few.

I beloved to conduct maintain baked as well as pureed wintertime squelch inwards the freezer all winter. It becomes soup, cookies, tea cake as well as a thickener for casseroles. What I create non relish nearly growing squelch is squelch bugs.

Field peas

Many of my gardening experiments neglect as well as nosotros conduct maintain nada to demo for the pack of seeds, carefully grown seedlings, H2O as well as fertilizer. However, the champaign peas are doing quite good for us. When to harvest them? I'm non certain as well as informational websites vary inwards their opinions - low-cal greenish to grey/brown is the best I tin seat notice surmise.

Squash vine borer 
Hope your garden is making  you happy!

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