How To Make Liquid Fertilizer For Vegetable Gardens

Manure Tea : One of the oldest types of organic liquid fertilizer, manure tea gives plants a healthy shot of nitrogen and also boosts microbes in the soil. Place a shovelful of composted chicken, cow or alpaca manure in a burlap bag, along with 2 tablespoons unsulphured molasses and 2 tablespoons sea kelp powder. Place the bag in a 5-gallon bucket and fill with water. Allow the manure to steep for up to one week, stirring occasionally. Remove the burlap bag and compost the manure. Pour the compost tea into a watering can or hand sprayer. Spray the plants' leaves or water the soil well.

Compost Tea : Compost tea offers many of the same benefits of manure tea, but, as the name implies, relies on compost as its source of nutrients. Pour 2 cups of high-quality, live compost in a burlap bag and add 2 tablespoons molasses and 2 tablespoons sea kelp powder. Steep the compost in 5 gallons of water for several days, stirring daily. Apply it as a foliar spray or water the ground directly.

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Liquid Kelp : Liquid kelp doesn't contain the macronutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, usually found in fertilizers, but it does contain growth hormones. Liquid kelp is somewhat expensive, but it's very helpful for boosting slow growth or encouraging healing after damage from hail or severe wind. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons liquid kelp with 1 gallon water and apply it as a foliar spray.

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