How To Grow Lavender Like A Pro

  1. Choosing plants : Look for cutting- grown, rather than seed-started, plants (most nurseries can provide this information), especially for hedges, since the ultimate size of seed-grown lavender can vary. Most kinds will thrive for about 12 years before they need replacing.
  2. Planting : Lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil.
  3. Watering : Irrigate deeply but infrequently, when the soil is almost dry. Plants require little or no fertilizer.
  4. Pruning : Do this every year immediately after bloom. cut off faded flowers to keep new ones coming.
  5. Harvesting : Snip stems when the bottom third of their blossoms are open; not all blooms are ready to cut at the same time. Remove leaves from the stems, gather stems in bunches, and secure each bundle with a rubber band. Use no more than 100 stems per bundle.
Source : Grow it like a pro

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